This story on Wales Online claims she’s believed to be male, but then uses female pronouns. It also features a video of some Welsh people chatting about Wally, including a child whose first language is very clearly Welsh and by the end of his part is struggling to think of things to say about the walrus in English. His delinquent ways have continued - he has now attempted to climb onto multiple buoys (all unsuccessfully) and at one point nearly got a mooring rope stuck around his neck.He is rapidly gaining weight, and is still giving no cause for concern to either of the organisations watching him (which are the RSPCA a bit and Welsh Marine Life Rescue a lot this is funny though because a walrus is so far outside of the wheelhouse of either of those organisations like we’re all just guessing here, lads).But what has Wally been up to the past few days? The Western Telegraph has opted for male pronouns, and is being very firm that Wally is male, although other news outlets are still all over the place.